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Friday, 5 August 2011


We all heard the story about Nicki Minaj being coincidently hit on the face with a suitcase by her boyfriend/hypeman Safaree(however you spell dude's name). Here we go...
TMZ has unsurprisingly managed to obtain and release the 911 call made by an employee at the Palomar Hotel related to the scene of the fight event that occurred between the international recording artist Nicki Minaj and her supposed boyfriend Safaree(however you spell dude's name). Continue for more about the incident and listen to the official 911 call.

In the audio, the employee at the hotel tells the police that there is a guest in the room that needs to be removed. Moments later, an unidentified man walks up to the employee asking "LET ME SEE YOU PHONE" causing the employee to put the phone down. With all this going on, a woman can be heard in the background screaming "WHY DID YOU HIT ME FOR, WHY DID YOU HIT ME FOR"

Listen to the audio here

and kudoz to TMZ

Now we can all recall Nicki Minaj lying to us on her twitter page. This is what tweeted when reports of incident was first reported,

Now I would like to see or hear Nicki Minaj response to the release of the 911 call. I WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED :)

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