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Friday, 26 August 2011


OKAY!! I AM NOT GONNA LIE. When I first heard the audio of Beyonce's new song 1+1 compared to the Dream's version, I think as always Beyonce oversaaaannng the song. So in all honesty, I downloaded The Dream's version instead. However I must say Beyonce looks STUNNNING in her new vid.. Too stunning. CONTINUE FOR MORE PICS N WATCH BEYONCE'S NEW VIDEO FOR HER RECORD 1+1

I loooooove the visuals in the video even though Beyonce looks a bit too greasy at the beginning and towards the end. The sensual and seductive motive honestly did not come across the way they had intended it to come off however, it's still a good simple video. Without further ado, I present to you the Premiere of Beyonce- 1+1

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